Into 2016
We rounded off 2015 by connecting new customers in Darsham, Wrentham and Sizewell to our fast, reliable broadband service – just in time for Christmas.
Now, as we head towards our 20th anniversary, plans are afoot for the continued expansion of our fixed wireless broadband network. With maps being studied and ladders scaled, we hope to make a big push to widen our coverage area in the coming quarter.
Not only do we offer an alternative to BT, mobile and satellite broadband, our locally based engineers are IT–trained, ensuring you are provided with a service that works for you.
Our customers include rural homes and businesses and units on industrial estates - those low priorities in the fibre roll-out plans.
Just give us a call on 01502 478000 to find out if you could benefit now – or ask to be included in our mailing list.
Can we help?
For further details on Rade's connectivity solutions please call us on 01502 478000 or fill in our contact form.